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Enticing Environments for People Under Three


16 in stock

SKU: ERSGR-15981 Categories: ,

Child-care environments play an important role in how babies, toddlers, and two-year olds experience learning. Colors, sounds, smells, and the placement of furniture, lighting, and textures all influence how people act and interact inside a classroom. Chock-full of colorful photographs from real-world infant and toddler settings, this book offers fresh ideas for making centers and classrooms inspiring for all of the people who inhabit them. Discover numerous, easy-to-implement strategies to create a well-planned, enticing environment with a thoughtfully implemented curriculum to profoundly influence cognitive development, emotional development and mental health, physical development, social skills and language development, guidance approaches, and caregiver satisfaction.

Key Features :

i : Child-care environments play an important role in how babies, toddlers, and two-year olds experience learning.
ii : Colors, sounds, smells, and the placement of furniture, lighting, and textures all influence how people act and interact inside a classroom.
iii : Chock-full of colorful photographs from real-world infant and toddler settings, this book offers fresh ideas for making centers and classrooms inspiring for all of the people who inhabit them.
iv : Discover numerous, easy-to-implement strategies to create a well-planned, enticing environment with a thoughtfully implemented curriculum to profoundly influence cognitive development, emotional development and mental health, physical development, social skills and language development, guidance approaches, and caregiver satisfaction.

Weight 0.60 lbs
Dimensions 10.00 × 7.00 × 0.30 in

3+, years


Gryphon, House










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