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Place Value Spinners, Pack of 6


13 in stock

SKU: ERSKA-MSPV-6 Categories: ,

An entire number curriculum built into a spinner! Teach your students to recognize, write, and build numbers from 0 to 9,999. Start with the Ones spinner and watch your students work their way up to the Tens, Hundreds, then Thousands. Each new spin creates a new number for students to identify, write, or build with manipulatives. When your students are ready for decimals, just place a penny between spinners and suddenly you can teach decimal place value in tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and ten thousandths! Also works great to teach rounding off. Students spin a number and round it off to the nearest 0, 10, 100, or 1000. Multi-functional and multi-fun. Sold as a pack of 6 spinners.

Key Features :

i : An entire number curriculum built into a spinner!
ii : Teach your students to recognize, write, and build numbers from 0 to 9,999
iii : Start with the Ones spinner and watch your students work their way up to the Tens, Hundreds, then Thousands
iv : Helps students learn about place value in a fun way
v : Pack of 6 spinners

Weight 0.32 lbs
Dimensions 14.10 × 5.70 × 1.20 in

4-10, years


Kagan, Publishing




Metal, Paper






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