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180 Days of Problem Solving for Second Grade


10 in stock

SKU: ERSSEP51614 Categories: ,

Help second grade students improve critical-thinking and reasoning skills with fun and effective daily practice activities.

180 Days of Problem Solving:
• Focuses on one skill each week so students can learn the problem-solving process, use visual models, and solve multi-step, non-routine word problems
• Builds student’s confidence in problem solving skills with quick daily independent learning activities
• Makes at-home learning, whole class instruction, or small group support, quick and easy
• Includes standards-based activities, easy to follow instructions, and an answer key to quickly assess student understanding

Parents appreciate the teacher-approved activity books that keep their child engaged and learning. Great for homeschooling, to reinforce learning at school, or prevent learning loss over summer.

Teachers rely on the daily practice workbooks to save them valuable time. The ready to implement activities are perfect for daily morning review or homework. The activities can also be used for intervention skill building to address learning gaps.

Key Features :

i : Students will use visual representations, and analyze various approaches to solving routine and non-routine problems
ii : Weekly lesson plans equip teachers with a thematic unit that focuses on a standards-aligned skill
iii : Throughout the unit week, easy-to-use lessons outline activities to boost critical thinking skills with multi-step, higher-level problems
iv : Pages: 224

Weight 1.22 lbs
Dimensions 11.00 × 8.50 × 0.50 in

6-8, years


Education, Shell








180, Days, of, Practice




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