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Basic Vocabulary Photo Card Set, Set of 156


13 in stock

SKU: ERSLER6079 Categories: ,

Help students build vocabulary by engaging with 16 everyday themes. Write & wipe cards feature a photograph and word(s) on 1 side. Reverse side features image, plus space for writing the word(s) for assessment. Organized by subject (math, science, language, general) for cross-curricular, oral language practice. Include a storage box and Activity Guide. Cards measure 3-1/2″ x 3-1/2″. Set of 156. Grades K+ | Ages 5+

Key Features :

i : Photo cards can be used to create stories to tell aloud or to write that can help students organize thoughts and tell a story in sequential order.
ii : Real photos provide symbolic representations of the corresponding words and can give students a visual cue to trigger their memory of what the word is as well as learn the meaning of novel words.
iii : Use as a picture exchange communication system for students who have little or no speech. This provides an alternate way of communication, lessening the frustration students may face with expressing a want or need.

Weight 1.30 lbs
Dimensions 4.30 × 4.00 × 3.60 in

5+, years


Learning, Resources




Coated, Paper






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