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Body Wheels, Set of 2


15 in stock

SKU: ERSWING2270 Categories: ,

The body Wheel is an exciting physical activity designed to challenge children of all ages. Even small children can set the wheel in motion, providing an excellent exercise to practice body agility, strength and balance. The Body Wheel allows children to roll while lying on their back or stomach, or even while standing. Adults can assist small children in practicing how to tumble safely, with a soft landing, by slowly pushing the Body Wheel while the child is lying on their stomach. Multiple Body Wheels can also be stacked to form a tower, with the large hole in the middle allowing children to play in side or crawl through. The small wheel measures 18.11″ Dia. x 11.8″ W, and the large wheel measures 23.22″ Dia. x 11.41″ W.

Key Features :

i : Provides an excellent exercise to practice body agility, strength and balance
ii : Adults can assist small children in practicing how to tumble safely
iii : The body wheel is an exciting physical activity designed to challenge children of all ages
iv : The Body Wheel allows children to roll while lying on their back or stomach