P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
10 in stock
Teach a variety of topics including graphing, operations, fractions, and decimals. Include 8 array transparencies and 8 double-sided array cards. Simply lay the transparencies over the cards to build over 35 unique grids. The write-on/wipe-off border allows teachers and students to model their problem-solving techniques. Both versions include a Getting Started Activity Guide.
Key Features :
i : Bring abstract math concepts to life using the versatility of grids
ii : Includes 16 sheets that produce over 50 unique grids
iii : All-in-one, self-storing solution is convenient for teachers and easy to implement
iv : Magnetic demonstration version and plastic student version coordinate for an integrated teaching experience
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