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Celebrating Our Cuentos: Choosing and Using Latinx Literature in Elementary Classrooms


4 in stock

SKU: ERSSC-730264 Categories: ,

Dr. Julia Lopez-Robertson makes a case for infusing our classrooms with literature by a range of Latin authors and illustrators-voices that reflect our students’ experiences and provide a window into the cultures of people from Spanish-speaking countries and communities. She shows how to identify quality literature by checking for bias, stereotypes, and cultural and linguistic authenticity. From there, she explores how to put the literature to work in whole-class lessons, read-alouds, small-group discussions and writing projects to nurture engaged readers.

Key Features :

i : The author provides a window into the cultures of people from Spanish-speaking countries and communities
ii : Dr. Julia Lopez-Robertson makes a case for infusing our classrooms with literature by a range of Latin authors and illustrators
iii : Book explores how to put the literature to work in whole-class lessons, read-alouds, small-group discussions and writing projects to nurture engaged readers
iv : This book quality literature by checking for bias, stereotypes, and cultural and linguistic authenticity
v : 144 Pages