P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
9 in stock
Give yourself and your students a hand. This pointer helps you reach a little further. Use it to help students focus their attention and encourage active participation. Approximately 15-1/2″ long. Sold as a pack of 6 pointers.
Key Features :
i : Use this pointer to help students focus their attention and encourage active participation
ii : Give yourself and your students a hand. This pointer helps you reach a little further
iii : Approximately 15-1/2″ long
iv : Pack of 6
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