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Copy Cats, 4-Book Set


19 in stock

SKU: ERSCPY9781835320808 Categories: ,

Young children love to mimic. The bright, eye-catching colors on each page will be stimulating to babies and toddlers. By copying and repeating sounds that are read to them, the familiar images of animals and vehicles on each page can aid in developing communication skills. Board books are terrific for little hands. Young children can be taught early on how to turn pages, an early literacy requirement for understanding how to read a book. Each set includes 4 books: Can You Bark Like A Dog?, Can You Choo Choo Like A Train?, Can You Dig Like A Digger?, and Can you Slide Like a Penguin?

Key Features :

i : By copying and repeating sounds that are read to them, the familiar images of animals and vehicles on each page can aid in developing communication skills.
ii : Board books are terrific for little hands.
iii : Young children can be taught early on how to turn pages, an early literacy requirement for understanding how to read a book.
iv : Set of 4 books: Can You Bark Like A Dog?, Can You Choo Choo Like A Train?, Can You Dig Like A Digger?, and Can you Slide Like a Penguin?

Weight 1.00 lbs
Dimensions 6.00 × 6.00 × 1.13 in

0-3, years


Books, Child's, Play










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