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Daily Phonics Book, Teacher’s Edition, Grade 3


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Daily Phonics, Grade 3 helps struggling readers and English learners develop the phonics skills necessary to become proficient, on-grade-level readers. Students first learn basic phonics skills typically mastered in grades 1 and 2, and then they progress to skills taught in grade 3. Lessons and activities are designed with age-appropriate formats that respect the older learner.

The 32 weekly units in grade 3 cover:

Initial and Final Consonants: b, f, r, k, m, p, d, l, n

Initial and Final Consonants: s, t, v, h, w, j, y, q, x, z

Short Vowel Sounds: a, e, i, o, u

CVC Words

Long Vowel Sounds: a, e, i, o, u

CVCe Words


Vowel Sounds of y

Sounds of c and g

Initial Consonant Blends: cl, fl, gl, pl, br, dr, gr, tr, sk, sl, sp, sw, spl, str

Final Consonant Blends: ft, lt, nt, st, ld, nd, mp, nk

Consonant Digraphs: ch, sh, th, wh

Consonant Digraphs: ph, gh, ck, ng

Variant Spellings: dge, tch

Silent Consonants: k, w, b, h, l

Long Vowel Digraphs: ai, ay

Long Vowel Digraphs: ee, ea, ey, ie

Long Vowel Patterns: ie, igh

Long Vowel Digraphs: oa, oe, ow

Long Vowel Digraphs: ew, ue

Short Vowel Digraphs: ea, ou

The Sounds of oo

Variant Vowel Digraphs: au, aw

Diphthongs: ou, oi

R-Controlled Vowels: ar, or, er, ir, ur

R-Controlled Vowels: air, are, ear

Plural Noun Endings: s, es, ies

Irregular Plural Nouns

Inflectional Verb Endings: -ed, -ing, -s, -es


Prefixes: dis-, re-, un-

Suffixes: -ful, -less, -er, -ly

Key Features :

i : Provide explicit, systematic phonics instruction and practice in just 15 to 20 minutes a day
ii : Daily Phonics, Grade 1 helps students in first grade—including students learning English
iii : Develop the phonics skills necessary to become proficient, on-grade-level readers
iv : Grade 3
v : 208 pages

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 11.00 × 8.50 × 1.00 in

8-9, years


Educational, Evan-moor, Publishers








Daily, Phonics




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