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Digging Up Sight Words Board Game


5 in stock

SKU: ERSTCR7812 Categories: ,

Children learn over 260 sight words as they read aloud and make decisions. Each player draws a sentence card and chooses a sight word to complete the sentence. With a correct answer, the player collects the number of bones indicated on the card and moves ahead. The player who ends up with the most bones wins! For 2-4 players. Contents include: 50 Sentence Cards, 75 Bones, Game Board, and 4 Player Pieces.

Key Features :

i : Children learn over 260 sight words as they read aloud and make decisions
ii : Each player draws a sentence card and chooses a sight word to complete the sentence
iii : With a correct answer, the player collects the number of bones indicated on the card and moves ahead
iv : For 2 to 4 players