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Fraction Segments, 78 Pieces


15 in stock

SKU: ERSJRL611 Categories: ,

Help your child better understand how fractions work with this set of magnetic fraction Segments! Fraction Segments can help teach children fraction concepts such as parts to a whole, equivalents and comparisons. Each fraction is a segment of a circle to visually show how fractions can describe part of a group. Each fraction segment is a different size and is color-coded to represent how different fractions can make up a whole circle. Fraction Segments can be used on any magnetic surface. Contains 78 pieces. Ages 5+

Key Features :

i : Contains 78 pieces including: whole, half, third, quarter, fifth, sixth, eight, tenth, twelfth.
ii : Fraction Segments are color-coded to correspond to their size and be visually engaging
iii : Fraction Segments are different sizes to correspond to their mathematical size
iv : Fraction Segments are magnetic and can go on any magnetic surface which makes them useful to use for fraction comparison and equivalence.
v : A good resource to use for guided learning and independent study.

Weight 0.84 lbs
Dimensions 7.80 × 5.91 × 1.96 in

5+, years


Junior, Learning®




magnet, Plastic






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