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News Sticky Situation Cards: Grades 4-6


55 in stock

SKU: ERSSC-716847 Categories: ,

Bullying, peer pressure, friendships, schoolwork—these concerns and more are often at the forefront of students’ minds as they go through their daily lives. Help them navigate these issues by engaging them in meaningful discussions with these short “sticky situation” cards. Each “sticky situation” sets a scene that students can relate to and prompts them to think about what they would do and why. Prepare yourself for rich, mind-opening conversations with your class! Includes approximately 100 double-sided cards, plus tabs.

Key Features :

i : Get students talking about important and relevant issues in their lives
ii : Thought provoking topics include bullying, peer pressure, tolerance, values and more
iii : Perfect for the morning meeting
iv : Great for developing reading and writing skills