P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
17 in stock
Clean White newsprint has a light blue ruling on both sides. Sheets are ruled 3/4″ the long way, and a 3/8″ dotted midline serves as a guide for controlled writing. Also includes a 3/8″ skip space, which allows room for letter descenders, making it great for handwriting practice and tracking students’ handwriting progress over time. Helps to build a solid foundation for students to write legibly and communicate effectively through writing. Each package contains 500 sheets. Measures 11″ x 8.5″. Recyclable. Sold as 3 packs for a total of 1500 sheets.
Key Features :
i : Newsprint paper with a light blue ruling on both sides
ii : 3/4″ ruled with 3/8″ dotted midline and 3/8″ skip space
iii : Each package contains 500 sheets that measure 11″ x 8.5″ ruled the long way
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