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Nonfiction and Fiction Paired Texts, Grade 3


15 in stock

SKU: ERSTCR3893 Categories: ,

Promote student engagement and improve comprehension skills by teaching students to make connections between fiction and nonfiction texts. This resource provides high-interest passages, multiple-choice questions, and short-answer activities designed to meet the rigor of today’s standards. Each assessment motivates students to look for textual evidence when answering questions. All units include writing activities linked to higher-order thinking and questioning skills. The writing ideas are designed to incorporate the skills necessary for excellent writing as well as help assess a student’s ability to respond to a written prompt. Correlated to the Common Core State Standards.

Key Features :

i : Promote student engagement and improve comprehension skills by teaching students to make connections between fiction and nonfiction texts.
ii : This resource provides high-interest passages and assessments designed to meet the rigor of today’s standards.
iii : Each assessment leads student to look for textual evidence when answering questions.
iv : Each unit also includes writing activities tied to higher-order thinking and questioning skills.
v : The writing ideas are designed to incorporate the skills necessary for excellent writing as well as help assess a student’s ability to respond to a written prompt.
vi : For ages 8.

Weight 0.94 lbs
Dimensions 11.00 × 8.50 × 0.50 in

8-9, years


Created, Resources®, Teacher








and, Fiction, Nonfiction, Paired, Texts




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