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Numberblocks Blockzilla Balance Activity Set


15 in stock

SKU: ERSHTM96089 Categories: ,

Watch Blockzee™, the lovable monster from the global hit TV series Numberblocks, move her eyes, arms, and mouth to compare numbers! This highly engaging balance features clear, sturdy buckets to hold multiple Numberblocks that children can easily see. Colorful, language-free activity cards guide children through foundational math skills such as number identification, number comparison, counting, and simple addition. Children will also practice building their fine motor skills through interactive, character-led play with this sturdy set. Includes 1 Blockzee Balance with 2 clear buckets, 61 MathLink Cubes, 10 Double-sided Activity Cards, 1 Activity Guide, 1 Sticker Sheet, and 1 Dry-erase Marker.

Key Features :

i : A math balance you can count on! Join the Numberblocks Monster Blockzee on her mission to find and play with the biggest number.
ii : Use the Numberblocks MathLink Cubes to build and explore numbers up to 10. This set includes 61 MathLink Cubes to build Numberblocks One to Ten.
iii : As cubes are place in the balance, Blockzee’s mouth and eyes face toward the bigger number to indicate greater than, less than, and equal to.
iv : Children will love using this interactive balance as they learn early math concepts such as comparing numbers, addition, and more! Activity Cards encourage play-based learning through 20 math activities.

Weight 1.50 lbs
Dimensions 11.00 × 8.50 × 3.30 in

3-6, years












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