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Numberblocks Rainbow Counting Bus


13 in stock

SKU: ERSHTM96092 Categories: ,

Hop on the Numberland Bus and count with us! Join Seven on a fun-filled adventure through Numberland. Equipped with songs and sounds, this interactive bus is perfect for creating your own Numberblocks stories. Practice counting, number sequencing, and more! Designed with shapes, numbers, and embedded features to encourage number fun. Use the slider on the front of the bus to choose your destination and enjoy the ride. Includes Numberblocks Rainbow Counting Bus, Numberblock Seven, 1 Sticker Sheet, and 2 AAA Batteries.

Key Features :

i : Join Seven on a fun-filled adventure through Numberland. Equipped with 7 seats, 12 songs and sounds, and a fold-out back that reveals a rainbow, this colorful bus is perfect for creating your own Numberblocks stories!
ii : Hop on the Numberland Bus and count with us! Practice counting, number sequencing, and more! Designed with shapes, numbers, and embedded features to encourage number fun.
iii : Sing along and count with 12 songs and sounds from the award winning show Numberblocks. The Numberblocks Rainbow Counting Bus requires 2 AAA batteries (included).
iv : Drive along with your Numberblocks friends on Seven’s bus! Bus seats Numberblocks One through Seven (Numberblocks One through Six sold separately).

Weight 1.70 lbs
Dimensions 10.40 × 7.70 × 4.70 in

3-6, years












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