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Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear Big Book


13 in stock

SKU: ERSING0805017593 Categories: ,

What will you hear when you read this book to a preschool child? Lots of noise! Children will chant the rhythmic words. They’ll make the sounds the animals make. And they’ll pretend to be the zoo animals featured in the book– look at the last page!

Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle are two of the most respected names in children’s education and children’s illustrations. This collaboration, their first since the classic Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (published more than thirty years ago and still a best-seller) shows two masters at their best.

For ages 2-5. Hardcover, 32 pages.

Key Features :

i : Children are encouraged to guess what the big, fluffy, white polar bear is hearing in a colorful successor to Brown Bear that is complemented by artwork by an award-winning illustrator
ii : Zoo animals from polar bear to walrus make their distinctive sounds for each other, while children imitates their sounds for the zookeeper
iii : 32 pages
iv : Ages 2-5

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 10.20 × 8.20 × 0.40 in

2-5, years


Macmillan, Publishers










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