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Sum Swamp Addition & Subtraction Game


21 in stock

SKU: ERSLER5052 Categories: ,

Math becomes an adventure with this award-winning addition and subtraction game that takes kids on a journey through Sum Swamp. They’ll make their way over the crocodile shortcut and through the swamp to the finish by adding and subtracting the numbers on the dice. Engage students as they explore and apply the properties of operations. Our unique tools reinforce these essential skills while challenging students to create and mentally solve equations. Fun way to practice simple operations! Includes game board, 4 swamp creature game pieces, 2 number dice, and an operations die. Board measures 17″ L x 12″ H. For 2-4 players. Grades K+ Ages 5+.

Key Features :

i : Includes game board, 4 swamp creature game pieces, 2 number dice, and an operations die
ii : Children develop fluency in early math skills as they take turns, follow directions, and sequence steps to play
iii : Winner of 6 awards
iv : Ideal for ages 5 and up