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Time Timer Watch FOB Accessory (Watch Sold Separately), Caribbean Blue, Pack of 3


50 in stock

SKU: ERSTTMTTW8FOBW-3 Categories: ,

Your Time Timer® Watch lets you take your visual timer on-the-go anywhere in the world. With your visual timer at your side, it’s your chance to make your mark on the world. So why shouldn’t it express your style? In addition to the enhanced functionality and longevity built into the new and improved Time Timer® Watch, this product line now offers the option to attach your favorite Time Timer® watch face to a lanyard or backpack. Once you’ve chosen the size you need (Large/Adult or Small/Youth), customize your Time Timer® Watch to accommodate your needs with this new accessory. Remove the bands completely and place the watch face in the new FOB accessory, allowing you to wear your watch on a lanyard, backpack, or purse. Available in Caribbean Blue, Fits both Large and Small Watch Faces. Sold as a pack of 3.

Key Features :

i : In addition to the enhanced functionality and longevity built into the new and improvedTime Timer®Watch, this product line now offers the option to attach your favoriteTime Timer®watch face to a lanyard or backpack.
ii : Clip to backpack, purse, lanyard
iii : Not internet-accessible, great for standardized testing rooms
iv : Discreet and private time management tool
v : Remove the bands completely and place the watch face in the new FOB accessory, allowing you to wear your watch on a lanyard, backpack, or purse
vi : Pack of 3

Weight 0.12 lbs
Dimensions 7.50 × 3.50 × 1.50 in

4+, years


Time, Timer®


Blue, Caribbean








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