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WhisperPhone SELECT with BioFilter


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SKU: ERSHB-WPSLCTBF1 Categories: ,

WhisperPhone Select™ is designed to help manage guided reading. This team-based, direct-to-ear product helps students hear themselves very clearly while reading and allows the teacher to monitor reading performance and assist with word decoding one student at a time. Turn the dial to provide easy and discrete communication between teacher and student. Select also provides a setting that creates three teams of two students for paired reading. For those paired reading times where you would prefer to have students pair up and find a space in the classroom, the components of Select allow for easy reconfiguration of up to three “portable paired reading tools” to be used anywhere.

Select contains 7 expandable tubes, 7 phone handsets, center Selector and instructions. Components can be configured for Guided Reading, Paired Reading at the reading table, or Paired Reading in up to three locations.

This inline bacterial viral filter is designed to minimize the spread of germs with a minimum loss of air flow; allowing students to still hear each other. Each unit is sonically sealed so there are no chemical adhesives or unwanted material residue. This Inline filter is easy to install and does not require any tools for assembly. BioFilter snaps together with the tubing and the Orange or Blue phones found in our WhisperPhone DUET and SELECT systems.

Key Features :

i : This team-based, direct-to-ear product helps students hear themselves very clearly while reading and allows the teacher to monitor reading performance and assist with word decoding one student at a time
ii : Works with up to 6 students
iii : Turn the dial to provide easy and discrete communication between teacher and student
iv : Offers enhanced auditory feedback to help decode words

Weight 4.00 lbs
Dimensions 11.00 × 9.00 × 7.00 in

10+, years




Blue, Orange






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