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Dallas, Tx 75370

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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WonderFoam Pound of Foam, Assorted Sizes, 1 lb.


31 in stock

SKU: ERSCK-4310 Categories: ,

Great for the classroom, this 1 lb bag contains over 5,000 pieces of assorted shapes, sizes and colors of WonderFoam®. Triangles, circles, ovals and more. A multitude of assorted shapes and colors help bring student’s imagination alive. Add brightly colored foam shapes to your art and craft projects. Find endless creative uses for Wonder Foam such as costume additions, or for making vibrant pictures. Sold by weight.

Key Features :

i : Includes 1 lb. of foam pieces
ii : Over 5,000 pieces to help make your work of art
iii : Wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors!