P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
P.O Box 700053
Dallas, Tx 75370
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: Closed
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
"Meeting our customers needs Nationwide"
58 in stock
Learn about place value, math operations, and probability. Soft foam dice are quiet and durable. Cubes measure 3/4″. Each pack includes 20 dice: 4 each of 5 colors. Sold as 3 packs for a total of 60 dice.
Key Features :
i : Fun way to learn about place value, math operations, and probability
ii : Assorted colors
iii : 3/4″ cubes
iv : Foam is lightweight, soft, quiet, and washable
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